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10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños


10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños | Recipe of 10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños | How to make Pickled Jalapeños at home

10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños is a quick & easy recipe which you can make very easily at home and store it in the fridge for months to use.

Can you believe these pickled Jalapeños are ready in under 10 minutes?

Ingredients used :

All you need is it’s prime ingredients Jalapeños, cloves of garlic, vinegar water, sugar, salt and a sterilised glass jar to fill everything it in.

Homemade pickles taste so good and free of any preservatives. It’s vegan and gluten-free too. I have followed this recipe and it came out perfect.

In this 10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños recipe, the solution of vinegar and salt act as a natural preservative and it keeps my pickle good to last for months in the fridge.

I love making homemade pickles. My recipe of  homemade Potli wala Achaar/pickle is very famous and loved by my family and friends.

I’m sharing this 10 minutes Pickled Jalapenos recipe today that you can make quickly and easily. After making these at home I am sure you are never gonna buy it readymade.


Cook Time 5 minutes

Total Time 5 minutes

Servings 1 jar



1 cup white vinegar

1 cup water

2 cloves garlic smashed

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon salt

7-8 jalapeno peppers sliced in roundels

Instructions :

Clean wash and pat dry jalapenos with kitchen towel. Chop it in bit thick roundels.

10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños


Combine the vinegar, water, garlic, sugar, and salt in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Add jalapeno slices, stir, and remove from heat.

Let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Transfer this into sterilized glass  bottle/jar.


10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños

Store in the fridge for up to two months or more.

Mine stays good a whole year.


10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños


I have used a milder spiced variety of Jalapeños, as per my family’s preference.

Happy cooking

Regards ❤️



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10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños



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10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
10 minutes quick Pickled Jalapeños is a quick and easy recipe which you can make very easily at home and store it in the fridge for months to use. Its vegan and gluten free too.
Recipe type: Pickles
Cuisine: Mexican
Serves: 1 jar
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 cloves garlic smashed
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 7-8 jalapeno peppers sliced in roundels
  1. Clean wash and pat dry jalapenos with kitchen towel. Chop it in bit thick roundels.
  2. Combine the vinegar, water, garlic, sugar, and salt in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Add jalapeno slices, stir, and remove from heat.
  3. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Transfer this into sterilised glass bottle/jar.
  4. Store in the fridge for up to two months or more.
  5. Mine stays good a whole year.
I have used a milder spiced spiced variety of jalapenos, as per my family`s preference.

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Deena


  2. Mayuri Patel

    Thanks for sharing this simple pickled jalapeño recipe. I find the store bought ones too tangy. This way I can choose which vinegar to use.

  3. amrita roy

    Why do someone need to buy store bought pickles when you can make it at home within 10 minutes… lovely share

  4. Vanitha Bhat

    This is a must in my fridge to use in sandwiches, Mexican dishes etc.! Nothing beats homemade…. awesome share dear!

    1. Lata Lala

      Thanks Vanitha. Yes being such a versatile pickle it’s a must in my kitchen too.

  5. Ruchi

    Wow wonderful share … It’s almost must ineach household now a days… Easy and quick recipe. Thanks for sharing..

  6. Sandhya Nadkarni

    What a perfect staple to have in the refrigerator! I am definitely going to make these. I am already drooling looking at your pics 🙂

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